Back from winter break

Hey ! I’m back from my winter break and the mind reset gave me a couple of ideas I’m about to share !

New Attacks and Variants

For starters, the mage is lacking. I was already planning on adding more attacks to his kit and came up with some kind of laser that he could start casting in phases 2 and 3. I also am thinking on how to make existing attacks more interesting as the time go on, I currently have a simple shoot 2 bullets instead of 1 and faster spellcasting rates overall and while it is something I wouldn’t call it interesting.

The redish square focuses and then Bam !


I severely lack feedbacks and tutorialization in my game. If I explain how the game works and let someone already accommodated to games in general play for 2 minutes they’ll get it, sure, but it is not how it should be. I still plan on adding feedbacks and reworking the tutorial but for now I added floating text boxes to help you understand what’s going on. If do a good job on feedbacks and tutorialization in the future, I’ll get rid of them but for now they’re here to stay.

Some examples

Other ideas

  • I got rid of the combo text box in the UI but there still is a kind of combo/ramp up system and I need to show it somehow. I’m thinking of doing something around the sword but I don’t know exactly what yet.
  • I thought of putting mini 15seconds long “interphases” between the actual phases with some kind of minigame or bullethell section without bad consequences to chill a bit but I don’t know if it’s relevant.
  • I should probably spawn more ennemies or something, the chances to parry are sparce.


  • Got feedback that I could/should do some kind of witch time when you complete the DPS cycle. Definitely a cool idea, I think I’ll try and see if it’s not too much.
  • Got feedback that apart from the lack of feedbacks and tutorialization, the game is not beginner-friendly overall. I should help less skilled players or bad run starts with some kind of catchup chest system or something. I’d rather do a mini-game between phases to get some score like I said earlier but if this idea feels too irrelevant to my gameplay I’ll probably do a catchup chest system indeed, still thinking about it.

Welp that seems good for today I’m going back to coding everything and I’ll update you later ! As always, I take evey piece of feedback I can get even if you come to tell me my game is trash be constructive and I’ll be happy !

Get DPS : Dodge, Parry, Slash

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